funny Mexican jokes

Mexico doesn’t win Olympic medals because all the best runners, jumpers, and swimmers are in America.

Q: How do you stop a Mexican tank?
A: Shoot the people pushing it.

Funny Mexican Jokes 2024
Funny Mexican Jokes 2024

Q: Why do Chinese people have Chinese babies?
A: Because two Wongs don’t make a white.

Q: What’s the difference between England and a teabag?
A: A teabag could stay in the cup for longer.

Q: Why is England the wettest country?
A: Because so many kings and queens have been reigning there.

A German asks a Mexican if they have any Jews in Mexico. The Mexican says, “Sí, we have orange jews, apple jews, and grape jews!”

Q: What do you call a baptized Mexican?
A: Bean dip.

Q: What’s the best thing about Switzerland?
A: I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus.

Q: Why do the French eat snails?
A: They don’t like fast food.

very Funny Mexican Jokes 2023
very Funny Mexican Jokes 2024

Q: What’s the difference between America and yogurt?
A: If you leave yogurt alone for 200 years, it develops a culture.

Two Irishmen friends are drinking together at one of their homes. One friend takes out a bottle of Irish whiskey and asks the other, “Will you pour this bottle out on my grave if I die first?” His friend replies, “Do you mind if I pass it through my kidneys first?”

Q: Which state has the most questions?
A: Alaska.

How do Germans tie their shoes? With little knot-sies!

In class, Jose is asked to use the word “Cherokee” in a sentence. He pauses and says, “I lost my house key and now I have to Cherokee with my sister.”

Q: Why were the Indians here first?
A: They had reservations.

Why do Italians wear gold chains? So they know where to stop shaving!

very funny Mexican jokes 2024

Q: What do you call a Filipino contortionist?
A: A Manila folder.

Does anyone remember the Swatch, a watch made in Switzerland? Thank god Croatia didn’t come up with the idea first. Just imagine if someone were to ask you what time is it? “Oh pardon me while I look at my crotch.”

Q: What do you call a Mexican that lost his car?
A: Carlos.

best Funny Mexican Jokes 2023
best Funny Mexican Jokes 2024

Q: Why wasn’t Jesus born in Australia?
A: God couldn’t find three wise men and a virgin.

Q: If a plane crashed on the Canada/USA border, where would the survivors be buried?
A: You don’t bury survivors.

Q: Why are there no knock knock jokes about America?
A: Because freedom rings!

Q: Why is North Korea not as fun as South Korea?
A: Because it has no Seoul.

Q: How many Frenchmen does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Five. One to hold the light bulb and four to turn the house.

Why are there no ice cubes in Poland? Because they lost the recipe.

best funny Mexican jokes

Q: If you go into the toilet American and you come out of the toilet American, what are you while you’re on the toilet?
A: European.

Q: Do you want to know how I got out of Iraq?
A: I-ran

Have you heard the Mexican weather forecast? Chili today and hot tamale.

Q: Does Britain have a 4th of July?
A: Yes, and a 5th and a 6th too

hilarious Knock Knock Jokes 2023
hilarious Knock Knock Jokes 2024

I live in Bakersfield, California. At least it’s not Barstow, a city that owes its existence to the fact that people traveling to Las Vegas needed a place to stop and take a sh*t. There was a toilet and they built a city around it.

Two men from Dublin are walking to the annual Dublin Fair, when it starts to rain. “Patrick, put your umbrella up, it’s raining.” “I can’t, Mick, it’s got holes in it.” “Holes in it? Then why did you bring it with you?” “I didn’t think it would rain.”