short Weird Questions to Ask Your Students 2023

If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?

Apparently, llamas give cold shoulder like a BOSS!

What is an unwritten rule in school that everyone knows anyway?

If our state was represented by just one food, what would it be?

If life were a video game, what two cheat codes would you want?

If humans started colonizing Mars, would you volunteer to move there? Why or why not?

Is there an app you hate, but you still use it anyway?

What is something about yourself you could totally brag about, but usually don’t?

What would peanut butter be called if it wasn’t called peanut butter?

If you became invisible for 10 minutes RIGHT NOW, what (school appropriate!) things would you do?

What is a saying or expression that you probably say too much?

What actor/actress would you want to play you if they ever made a movie about your life?

Do you put your cereal in the bowl before the milk or the milk in before the cereal?

Sorry, Elsa…but I’m leaning toward DJ Khaled’s All I do is Win

Would you rather win $10,000 or let your best friend win $100,000?

What one invention would you uninvent and why?

You accidentally ate some radioactive pizza. The good news is it tasted great! The even better news is that its given you one superpower of your choice. What do you choose?

What five things would you take with you during the zombie apocalypse and why?

What is your favorite smell?

It’s new book smell, Janis…and it’s heaven.

best Weird Questions to Ask Your Students 2023

Your English teacher is actually a witch! One day, she gets tired of you not paying attention and zaps you into a novel. Which novel would you hope she zapped you into and why?

Would you rather never be able to explain yourself correctly or always have to tell the exact truth?

Are pets better than humans?

What thoughts instantly make you feel more relaxed?

What is your favorite combination of colors?

Would you rather give up breakfast, lunch, or dinner…forever?

Which day do you consider to be the true start of the week, Sunday or Monday?

random Weird Questions to Ask Your Students 2023

Would you rather have a photographic memory or be amazing at one thing, but only so-so at everything else?

If you had to work when you graduated high school but you didn’t need the money, what would you choose to do?

Where do you not mind waiting?

This is a toughie…I’m genuinely struggling to come up with something.

You can either leave your hometown forever or never leave your hometown. Which do you choose?

When scrolling through Instagram, do you prefer celebrity posts or ones from your friends?

Would you rather be a master at every musical instrument or fluent in every language in the world?

What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done because someone dared you?

Would you rather live forever in a roller coaster park or a zoo?

You are given the option of keeping your name or choosing a new one. What do you choose?

You discover a beautiful island where you decide to build a new society. What is the first rule you put in place?

What ridiculous and untrue, yet slightly believable, theories can you come up with for common ailments like headaches, cavities, or sunburn?

What is something you really dislike but have no good reason for disliking?