3334+ Truth Or Drink Questions (Hot & Cool ) Latest 2025

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Truth Or Drink Questions 2025

short Truth Or Drink Questions 2025

What would make you immediately swipe right?

What would make you immediately swipe left?

Have you ever cheated or helped someone else cheat?

Have you ever gotten in a physical altercation with someone?

What’s your longest relationship?

Have you ever had a secret relationship?

Have you ever kissed anyone in this room?

What’s your favorite drink?

What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?

What do your current undergarments look like?

Would you ever hook-up with someone else’s partner?

Do you cover your eyes during the scary part of a movie?

If you suddenly became invisible, what would you do with your newfound transparency?

Have you ever wanted to try LARP (live-action role play)?

Who is your favorite family member?

What’s your most shallow reason for not going on a second date?

What’s the worst date you’ve ever had?

What’s your worst habit?

Name something illegal that you’ve done and regret

Tell about the biggest ticket you’ve ever gotten

How many people in the room would you be willing to kiss?

What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

What do you wear when you’re hoping to go home with someone?

What kind of underwear do you wear?

What’s your dream first date?

What is the biggest secret you’ve kept from your parents when you were growing up?

Tell us about the last dream you can remember Don’t leave any details out!

Have you ever lied about being sick so you could stay home from work or school?

Have you ever told someone you wouldn’t be home just so they wouldn’t come over to yours?

If anyone in your family could win an award for being the most annoying, who would it be?

Have you ever bought something to wear to an event, and then returned it to the store when the event was over?

Did you ever break up with someone just before a public holiday so that you didn’t have to buy them a gift?

What is your least favorite part about family gatherings?

What is your favorite movie that you secretly know is actually terrible?

Have you ever bribed or flirted with a police officer to get out of a ticket?

Do you have a bucket list? If so, what is one thing on that list?

What is the strangest thing you have ever bought?

Have you ever shared chewing gum with anyone?

Have you ever danced on a table when you were drunk?

What is the one thing you dislike about yourself?

What is the one thing you really like about yourself?

If you could hire someone to do one thing for you, what would it be?

What was the most embarrassing thing that you ever did while on a date?

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Would you ever blame someone else for your farts at the office?

What is your favorite feature on yourself?

What is the one mannerism you judge all potential partners on?

What’s your number?

What’s the shortest amount of time you’ve known someone before hooking up?

Where is the grossest place you’ve ever hooked up?

How far have you gone in public?

What’s the biggest age gap you’ve had with a partner?

What s@x act are you best at?

What s@x act are you bad at?

What’s your longest dry spell?

How many people in this room would you be willing to hook up with?

Who is the most inappropriate person you’ve ever had a crush on?

Tell us your most embarrassing vomit story

Have you ever sexted?

What’s the dirtiest text you’ve ever received?

What’s your favorite position?

Top or bottom?

Have you ever been to a strip club?

Have you ever given a lap dance?

What conditions are necessary for hooking up on a first date?

What’s the hardest drug you’ve ever done?

What hook-up scene from a movie or TV show would you like to recreate?

How far are you willing to go with a cute stranger that you’ll never see again?

Would you sleep with a celebrity if you met them at a bar? What celebrity is a no-brainer?

If you could cheat and no one would ever, ever find out, would you?

If you could hack into your partner’s email and they’d never know, would you?

Have you ever read your bae’s texts over their shoulder?

If you could read all your partner’s texts with others, would you?

Do you secretly want the password for your bae’s phone?

If you had to choose between going naked or having your thoughts appear in thought bubbles above your head for everyone to read, which would you choose?

When was the last time you peed in bed?

Would you hook up with your high school crush today?

R-Rated Questions for Truth or Drink 2025

What’s your most embarrassing fantasy?

What kind of p@rn do you search for?

When watching p@rn, what makes you turn it off?

Have you ever joined a hook-up app or any app associated with risky behavior?

How many toys do you own?

What’s the best s@x you’ve ever had?

What’s the weirdest role play you’ve ever done?

What’s the raunchiest dream you’ve ever had?

What’s the landscaping like down there?

What’s the dirtiest picture you’ve ever sent?

What’s the dirtiest text you’ve sent?

Have you ever hooked up with someone you didn’t know?

What’s the most outrageous thing you can remember doing while under the influence?

Are you more dominant or submissive?

If you were a s@x worker, how much would each s@x act cost?

Have you ever asked for a dirty pic?

How do you initiate s@x with your partner?

Would you ever film yourself in the act?

How likely are you to ever consider being a stripper? What about a p@rn star?

What’s the soonest you’ve ever had s@x with someone after meeting them?

If you were going to write an erotic novel, what would it be about?

What was the last thing you masturbated to?

If you could have s@x with one person in this room, who would it be?

What’s your magic number now, and what do you wish it was?

What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever turned you on?

Which s@x act are you best at?

How many s@x toys do you own?

How many orgasms have you faked?

What is your biggest s@x regret?

What’s the dirtiest s@x you’ve ever sent?

Who’s the most scandalous person you’ve had s@x with?

Have you ever slept with someone you met online?

Have you ever been caught masturbating?

What do you like to be called in bed?

What movie always turns you on?

What’s your favorite body part on a girl?

Describe the most embarrassing time you got turned on

Have you ever thought about sleeping with the same s@x?

What is your strangest off-limits crush?

If you got to have a threesome with people in this room, who would you do it with and why?

Where is the weirdest place that you’ve ever masturbated?

Describe your, I’m getting laid tonight outfit?

Have you ever slept with someone from work?

What is more thrilling, makeup or angry s@x ?

How many times a week do you touch yourself?

Have you ever done IT at work?

Do you like telling your partner what to do in bed, or do you prefer to be told what to do?

Have you ever walked in on your parents doing it?

Random Truth or Drink Questions 2025

What was the last thing you searched for on your phone?

Have you ever tasted a booger?

What’s the first thing you would do if you woke up one day as the opposite s@x ?

Who do you think is the worst dressed person in this room?

What are some things you think about when sitting on the toilet?

Have you ever practiced kissing in a mirror?

Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction?

Do you pick your nose?

You’re in a public restroom and just went number two, then you realized your stall has no toilet paper What do you do?

Where’s your favorite place to fart in public?

What’s the strangest thing someone would find in your web search history?

Do you ever talk on the phone while you’re taking a poop?

What color undergarments do you have on right now?

If you lost one day of your life every time you said a swear word, would you stop?

If someone offered you $ million to break up with your current partner, would you?

After you’ve dropped a piece of food, what’s the longest time you’ve left it on the ground and then ate it?

Have you ever eaten while on the toilet?

Have you ever farted around the office and blamed it on someone else?

Have you ever farted on an airplane?

Has anyone besides you and your partner found your s@x toys?

hot Truth or Drink Questions 2025

What’s your number?

What’s the shortest amount of time you’ve known someone before h00king up?

Where is the grossest place you’ve ever h00ked up?

How far have you gone in public?

What’s the biggest age gap you’ve had with a partner?

What’s your longest dry spell?

How many people in this room would you be willing to h00k up with?

Who is the most inappropriate person you’ve ever had a crush on?

Have you ever dirty texted?

What’s the dirtiest text you’ve ever received?

What conditions are necessary for h00king up on a first date?

What h00k-up scene from a movie or TV show would you like to recreate?

How far are you willing to go with a cute stranger that you’ll never see again?

If you could cheat and no one would ever, ever find out, would you?

Have you ever read your bae’s texts over their shoulder?

If you could read all your partner’s texts with others, would you?

Do you secretly want the password for your bae’s phone?

Would you h00k up with your high school crush today?

What kind of r-rated do you search for?

Have you ever joined any app associated with risky behavior?

What’s the dirtiest picture you’ve ever sent?

What’s the dirtiest text you’ve sent?

What’s the most outrageous thing you can remember doing while under the influence?

Have you ever asked for a dirty pic?

What’s your magic number now, and what do you wish it was?

What do you like to be called in b3d?

What’s your favorite body part on a girl/guy?

Describe the most embarrassing time you got turned 0N

What is your strangest off-limits crush?

Have you ever sl3pt with someone from work?

Have you ever done IT at work?

Do you like telling your partner what to do, or do you prefer to be told what to do?

Have you ever walked in on your parents?

At which age did you have your first kiss and with whom?

Did you ever stalk your ex?

Tell something dirty you were always afraid to express

Will you allow me to check the browsing history on your mobile?

Were you ever attracted to someone of the same gender?

Have you ever had a crush on your best friend’s spouse?

Did you ever accidentally send a wrong intimate message to your colleague?

Did you ever break up with an ex right before their birthday to avoid buying them a birthday gift?

cool Truth or Drink Questions 2025

Did you ever have a tinder profile?

Does the scent of my perfume excite you?

Have you ever sent an inappropriate selfie to your ex?

What kind of food turns you 0n?

Describe your first int*mate experience

What is one thing about our physical affection that you miss when I’m not around?

Name two of your dirty guilty pleasures

Would you mind entertaining somebody for M0NEY?

When was the longest time you have stayed in a bathroom and why?

Who do you think the person to your left should date?

Go around the room and smell everyone’s armpits to rate who in this room has the stinkiest armpits?

Whose Instagram account would you want to manage for a day and what would you do if you managed it?

If your crush had bad breath, would you offer them a mint or just stop liking them?

If gummy bears were healthy, would you eat a whole bowl of them for breakfast?

If your crush asked you to feel their hairy legs, would you do it?

What would you do if you found out your crush was a vegan but wore leather shoes?

If you could travel back in time, what prank would you play on your teenage parents?

What prank would you want to play on your teacher/boss if you could get away with it?

If you wanted to make 0ut with someone at school, where would you do it?

Have you ever done anything to try to look cooler or more popular?

Have you ever been shushed at the movie theaters?

Who is hotter: Justin Bieber or your crush?

How many times a day do you think about quitting school and doing dirty work(or insert ur choice)?

Would you wear your best friend’s used undergarments if you went camping and ran out?

If someone gave you $100 to pick your nose in public and eat it, would you do it?

Who in this room do you think is the most likely to end up in jail?

What is your biggest pet peeve?

If you could switch into any animal, what would it be?

If you had to eat a monkey, cat, or dog, which would you choose?

Who is your crush right now?

If you had to go on a date with one world political leader, who would it be?

Which celebrity do you hate and why?

What is your favorite part of your body?

When was the last time you cried and why?

What are you most self-conscious about yourself?

Of your last 20 social media posts, how many were selfies?

Where is the weirdest place you have gone to the bathroom?

Tell us about the most awkward date you have been on

What is the biggest lie you have told?

What is your most embarrassing story?

What was the last dirty thing you texted?

Where is the most romantic place for you?

What food do you think is sexy

If you had the power to be the opposite gender for a day, what would you do first?

What’s a secret that you haven’t shared with anyone else?

If you can choose which place to go on a first date, where would it be?

Why do you find someone attractive?

What is the one thing that you would never let your crush see you do?

Who do you have a crush on now?

What is your favorite part of a date night?

Would you go all the way with someone if you knew you would never see them again ever?

If you had to pick: Will you marry for money, power, or love?

It’s your last day on earth, who would you want to spend it with?

Tell me your biggest turn-on and turn-offs and why?

What’s your wildest fantasy that you wish to happen someday?

Was your first kiss a good or bad experience?

If you had to streak or moon someone to save your life, would you do it?

Rate how much you like me, 10 being the highest

What’s the wildest thing that you have done just to get someone’s attention?

Do you like love to be hot and heavy or sweet and gentle?

What’s the sexiest food for you?

good Truth or Drink Questions 2025

When was the last time you peed in bed?

What is the biggest lie you have ever told?

Tell us your most embarrassing vomit story

Have you ever made out with someone here?

Have you ever cheated or been cheated on?

What are your top three turn-ons?

What is your deepest darkest fear?

What is the most childish thing you still do?

What is something your friends would never expect that you do?

Who is the person you most regret kissing?

When was the last time you lied?

Who was the last person you licked?

What is the most embarrassing picture of you?

What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?

Have you ever broken the law?

Do you have any fetishes?

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever said to anyone?

What’s the biggest misconception about you?

What’s a secret you’ve never told anyone?

What would you do if you were the opposite s@x for a week?

What’s the worst time you let someone take the blame for something you did?

What do most people think is true about you, but isn’t?

What’s your biggest regret?

What are your thoughts on polyamory?

What is the biggest thing you’ve gotten away with?

Why did you break up with your last boyfriend or girlfriend?

What is the most embarrassing series of texts you have on your phone?

When was the last time you cried?

What’s your biggest fantasy?

Tell me about your first kiss

What is the most embarrassing thing in your room?

What was the most awkward romantic encounter you have had?

Do you have a hidden talent?

What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?

What pictures or videos of you do you wish didn’t exist?

What is your biggest regret?

Who is your crush?

Tell me about your most awkward date

What is the naughtiest thing you’ve done in public?

What is the most expensive thing you have stolen?

What’s something you’re glad your mum doesn’t know about you?

What is something that people think you would never be into, but you are?

Who was your first celebrity crush?

What’s the worst intimate experience you’ve ever had?

Have you ever cheated in an exam?

What’s the drunkest you’ve ever been?

What is the silliest thing you have an emotional attachment to?

What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?

What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever done?

Who would you like to kiss in this room?

Where’s the weirdest place you’ve had s@x?

What’s the worst thing anyone’s ever done to you?

What’s your worst habit?

What’s the strangest dream you’ve had?

Have you ever been caught doing something you shouldn’t have?

What’s the worst date you’ve been on?

Have you ever lied to get out of a bad date?

Have you ever peed in the shower?

Have you ever shit yourself since you were a child?

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?

What’s the most trouble you’ve been in?

Who is the sexiest person here?

What secret about yourself did you tell someone in confidence and then they told a lot of other people?

When was the most inappropriate time you farted?

What is the scariest dream you have ever had?

What is the grossest thing that has come out of your body?

What is your favourite thing that your boyfriend or girlfriend does?

Who have you loved but they didn’t love you back?

If you starred in a romance, what would it be like?

What was the cruellest joke you played on someone?

What is the most embarrassing thing you have put up on social media?

What is the grossest thing you have had in your mouth?

Tell me about the last time someone unexpectedly walked in on you while you were naked

What is the most embarrassing nickname you have ever had?

Describe your most recent romantic encounter in detail

What is the weirdest thing you have done for a boyfriend or girlfriend?

Is it true that you (whatever you or the group suspects they do/did)?

When was the last time you wiped a booger off on something that shouldn’t have boogers on it?

What do you really hope your parents never find out about?

Tell me something you don’t want me to know

What have you done that people here would judge you most for doing?

What is something that you have never told anyone?

What is the most disgusting habit you have?

best dare Truth Questions 2025

Keep your eyes closed until it’s your go again

Like the first 15 posts on your Facebook newsfeed

Send a sext to the last person in your phonebook

Eat a raw onion

Keep three ice cubes in your mouth until they melt

Give a lap dance to someone of your choice

Yell out the first word that comes to your mind

Show off your orgasm face

Empty out your wallet/purse and show everyone what’s inside

Show the last five people you texted and what the messages said

Try to put your whole fist in your mouth

Remove four items of clothing

Eat a spoonful of mustard

Put 10 different available liquids into a cup and drink it

Do your best impression of a baby being born

Try to lick your elbow

Do 100 squats

Show the most embarrassing photo on your phone

Give a foot massage to the person on your right

Say something dirty to the person on your left

Let the rest of the group DM someone from your Instagram account

Eat a banana without using your hands

Twerk for a minute

Pretend to be the person to your right for 10 minutes

Be someone’s pet for the next 5 minutes

Try to drink a glass of water while standing on your hands

Do your best sexy crawl

Say two honest things about everyone else in the group

Put as many snacks into your mouth at once as you can

Try and make the group laugh as quickly as possible

Let someone shave part of your body

Tell everyone an embarrassing story about yourself

Post the oldest selfie on your phone on Instagram Stories

For a guy, put on makeup For a girl, wash off your make up

Do four cartwheels in a row

Tell the saddest story you know

Belly dance like your life depended on it

Curse like sailor for 20 seconds straight

Howl like a wolf

Dance without music for one minute

Pole dance with an imaginary pole

Let someone else tickle you and try not to laugh

best of Truth or drink Questions 2025

Sell a piece of trash to someone in the group using your best salesmanship

Attempt to walk on your hands for as far as you can

Imitate a celebrity every time you talk

Try to juggle 2 or 3 items of the group’s choosing

Gargle something that shouldn’t be gargled, but won’t hurt you

Get slapped on the face by the person of your choosing

Spin an imaginary hula hoop around your waist for the rest of the round

Seduce a member of the same gender in the group

Compose a poem on the spot based on something the group comes up with

Poll dance for 1 minute with an imaginary pole

Choose someone from the group to give you a spanking

Post an extremely unflattering picture of yourself to the social media outlet of your choosing

Hold a funny face for the rest of the round

Imagine something in your room Now spell it with your nose and keep spelling it with your nose until someone from the group guesses what you are trying to spell

After the group chooses one rude word, sing a song and insert that rude word once into every line of the song

Drag your butt on the carpet like a dog from one end of the room to the other

Open a bag of snacks or candy using only your mouth, no hands or feet

Bend at the waist so that you are looking behind you between your legs Now run backwards until you can tag someone with your butt

Go to the bathroom, take off your underwear and put it on your head Wear it on your head for the rest of the game

Act like whatever animal someone yells out for the next 1 minute

Eat one teaspoon of the spiciest thing you have in the kitchen

Transfer an ice cube from your mouth to the person’s mouth on your right

Call the 3rd contact on your phone and sing them 30 seconds of a song that the group choosesNo talking

Pretend to be a food Don’t pretend to eat the food, pretend to be the food Keep pretending until someone in the group guesses the food you are

Drop something in the toilet and then reach in to get it

Find the person whose first name has the same letter as your first name or whoever’s first name’s first letter is closest to yours Now lick their face

Sit in a spinning chair and have the group spin you for 30 seconds

Jump up and down as high as you can go for a full minute

Let two people give you a wet willy at the same time

Sing a praise song about a person of the groups choosing

Depict a human life through interpretive dance

Dance with no music for 1 minute

Serenade the person to your right

Talk in an accent for the next 3 rounds

Make every person in the group smile, keep going until everyone has cracked a smile

Write something embarrassing somewhere on your body (that can be hidden with clothing) with a permanent marker

Beg and plead the person to your right not to leave you for that other boy or girl

Put ice cubes down your pants

Stick your arm into the trash can past your elbow

Lick the floor

Switch clothes with someone of the opposite s@x in the group for three rounds

Let the group pose you in an embarrassing position and take a picture

Give someone your phone and let them send one text to anyone in your contacts

Let the group look through your phone for one minute

Drink a small cup of a concoction that the group makes

Let the person to your left draw on your face with a pen

Imitate popular YouTube videos until someone can guess the video you are imitating

Grab a trash can and make a hoop with your hands above the trash can Have other members of the group try to shoot trash through your hoop

Make up a 30-second opera about a person or people in the group and perform it

Do pushups until you can’t do any more, wait 5 seconds, and then do one more

Kiss the person to your left

Attempt to do a magic trick

Eat five tablespoons of a condiment

Attempt to breakdance for one minute

Let the group give you a new hairstyle

Do the worm

Take a shower with your clothes on

Break two eggs on your head