short mostly Questions to ask a guy 2023

Do you mind if I post this picture of us on Instagram?

Can you give me a massage?

Do your friends know about me?

Do you want to date other girl’s or do you want to have me?

Short Mostly Questions To Ask A Guy 2023
Short Mostly Questions To Ask A Guy 2023

I’m a lot to handle, are you sure you want to date me?

Would you be jealous if you saw me flirting with another guy?

Do you want to come to hang out with my friends?

If I never talked to you again, how much would you miss me?

What did you think about me on our first date?

Are you surprised that we are still dating?

Honeymoon mostly Questions to ask a guy

Do you ever want to have kids? If so, how many?

Would you rather live in a fancy condo in a major city, or at a ranch on a farm?

Honeymoon Mostly Questions To Ask A Guy
Honeymoon Mostly Questions To Ask A Guy

Would you still want me if I get old and ugly?

Have I ever done or said anything to upset you?

Do you ever remember your dreams? What are they about?

Do you like being with me?

Does your Family know about me?

If you could fly anywhere in the World with me, where would we go?

Why did your last relationship not work out?

Are you afraid that I will break your heart?

Dating mostly Questions to ask a guy

Would you like to come over to my parents house for dinner?

Do you have any deeply hidden secrets that you want to tell me?

If we have children, and I love them more than you, can you handle that?

Do you want to take a break from our relationship?

If I moved to a different state for work or school, would you come with me?

If we had to have a long-term relationship for 1 year, would you remain faithful?

Do you understand that If you marry me, you are also marrying my Family?

Would you rather travel the World with me, or with your guy friends?

Are you okay with me having guy friends?

If I were to marry you, what would you expect of me?

Are you still satisfied with our relationship?

Over the years, have you ever wanted to give up on our relationship?

years ago, what did you imagine that our lives would be like?

Are you willing to make a change in career, even if it means a change in lifestyle?

Have you ever thought about moving to another state or country?

What is something that is still on your ‘bucket list’? Why haven’t you done it?

If I get very sick, will you take care of me? Or send me away?

Do you find me as attractive as I was when you first met me?

Do you love me now for the same, or for different reasons as before?

If my parents get very sick, will you help me take care of them?

Random mostly Questions to ask a guy

What’s your dream job, where he would like to work, and do you have any ambitions for the future?

Do you believe in God? Do you have role models and idols, and who are they?

Is physical appearance the most important?

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

What is the happiest event of your life?

What’s on your bucket list?

Which social media do you use the most often?

What kind of music do you like and which places in the city you like to go out?

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

Which fictional character scares you the most and why?

What is your favorite movie of all-time?

General mostly Questions to ask a guy

What makes you insecure?

What do you expect from a love relationship?

What’s the one thing you can’t tolerate?

What do you find attractive in a woman?

What expectations do you have of yourself?

What was your most memorable birthday?

Have you ever worn girls clothing?

Who are your family and friends?

What are your personal goals?

General Mostly Questions To Ask A Guy
General Mostly Questions To Ask A Guy

What kind of childhood did you have?

What kind of music do you like and which places in the city do you like to go to?

What’s the one thing you can’t live without?

What is your funniest memory of high school?

How do you feel working for (company)?

What’s one item you’ve recently crossed off your bucket list?

If you could describe yourself with one word, which would it be?

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite character from childhood?

What kind of animal do you love the most?

Would you rather choose fishing or hiking?

Do you believe in God?