one line funny slam book questions

If you were a vegetable, which one would you be and why?

What’s your superhero name and what’s your superpower?

If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be and why?

Embarrassing Funny Slam Book Questions 2024
Embarrassing Funny Slam Book Questions 2024

What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in the last week?

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring three things, what would they be and why?

If aliens visited Earth and you were the first human they encountered, how would you introduce yourself?

What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

If you could swap lives with any celebrity for a day, who would it be and what would you do?

If your life was a movie, what would be the title, and who would play you in the film?

What’s the most unusual talent or skill you possess?

If your pet could talk, what do you think they would say about you?

If you could have a conversation with any historical figure, who would it be and what would you talk about?

What’s the silliest reason you’ve ever gotten into trouble?

If you were a dessert, what would you be and why?

If you could create a holiday, what would it be called and how would people celebrate?

What’s your go-to dance move when nobody is watching?

If you could be any mythical creature, which one would you choose and why?

What’s the most unusual talent or skill you wish you had?

If you were a character in a sitcom, what would be your catchphrase?

What’s the weirdest food combination you enjoy?

If you could have a conversation with your pet, what would you ask them?

What’s the most bizarre fact you know?

If your life had a theme song, what would it be?

If you could time travel, what era would you visit and why?

What’s your spirit animal, and why do you think it represents you?

If your life were a reality show, what would the title be?

What’s your most unusual talent that not many people know about?

If you could trade places with any cartoon character for a day, who would it be?

What’s your favorite dad joke?

If you were a professional wrestler, what would be your signature move?

What’s the weirdest thing you believed as a child?

If you could have any fictional creature as a pet, what would it be?

What’s the strangest food you’ve ever tried and liked?

Video Game Funny Slam Book Questions 2024
Video Game Funny Slam Book Questions 2024

If you were a character in a video game, what would your special ability be?

What’s the funniest thing that happened to you this year?

If you could choose any language to speak fluently, which one would it be and why?

What’s your most embarrassing childhood nickname?

If you could have any job in the world for one week, what would it be?

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

college students funny slam book questions

If your life was a sitcom, what would be the title, and who would play you?

What’s your go-to dance move at college parties?

If you could major in one subject that doesn’t exist, what would it be?

If your backpack could talk, what would it complain about the most?

Weirdest Game Funny Slam Book Questions 2024
Weirdest Game Funny Slam Book Questions 2024

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever witnessed in a college lecture?

If you could have a college-themed superhero name, what would it be?

What’s your most embarrassing moment in a crowded campus?

If your college experience were a hashtag, what would it be?

What’s your secret talent that would make you the star of a college talent show?

If you could create a college course, what would it be called, and what would it cover?

What’s your favorite spot to take a power nap on campus?

If you could trade places with a college mascot for a day, which one would it be?

What’s the oddest thing you’ve ever eaten during late-night study sessions?

If you were a professor for a day, what subject would you teach, and how would you make it fun?

What’s the most creative excuse you’ve used for being late to class?

If you had a theme song for your college life, what would it be?

What’s your weirdest roommate story?

If you could have any historical figure as your study buddy, who would it be?

What’s your favorite college hack or shortcut?

If your college experience were a movie, who would play the main characters?

girly funny slam book questions

If you were a meme, what would the caption be?

What’s the weirdest piece of advice you’ve ever received?

If your life was a sitcom, who would play your quirky neighbor?

What’s your favorite funny movie quote?

If you could have any animal sidekick, what would it be?

What’s your most unusual habit?

If you could swap lives with a famous comedian, who would it be?

What’s your guilty pleasure TV show?

If you could be a contestant on any game show, which one would you choose?

Silly Funny Slam Book Questions 2024
Silly Funny Slam Book Questions 2024

What’s your favorite silly dance move?

If you could have dinner with any cartoon character, who would it be and why?

What’s your most embarrassing screen name or email address from when you were younger?

If you could have any fictional vehicle (spaceship, flying carpet, etc.), what would it be?

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen in someone else’s home?

If you were a character in a comic book, what would your origin story be?

What’s your favorite knock-knock joke?

If you could choose any historical figure to be your mentor, who would it be?

What’s the strangest talent you wish you had?

If you could invent a holiday, what would it be about?

What’s the silliest fear you have?

If you could have any animal sound as your laugh, which one would it be?

What’s your most embarrassing moment on social media?

If you could have a conversation with any inanimate object, what would it be and why?

What’s the oddest thing you’ve ever eaten for breakfast?

If you were a character in a board game, which one would it be?

What’s your weirdest dream job?

If you could have any celebrity be your personal assistant for a day, who would it be?

What’s your most embarrassing moment in front of a crush?

If you could have any cartoon character as your best friend, who would it be?

What’s your favorite pun?

If you were a character in a fantasy novel, what would your quest be?

What’s the weirdest habit you have while watching movies or TV shows?

If you could have any fictional technology, what would it be?

What’s the silliest reason you’ve ever burst into laughter?

If you could have a dinner party with any three people (alive or dead), who would they be?

What’s your favorite bad joke?

If you could have any historical figure narrate your life, who would it be?

What’s the oddest thing you’ve ever bought online?

If you could switch lives with any character from a sitcom, who would it be?

What’s the strangest talent you’ve discovered about yourself during quarantine?

If you could have any fictional creature as a roommate, who would it be?

What’s your most unusual pet peeve?

If you could have any famous artist create your portrait, who would it be?

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve found at the bottom of your bag?

If you could have any fictional vehicle to commute to work, what would it be?

What’s your favorite silly pickup line?

If you could have any cartoon character as your life coach, who would it be?

What’s the silliest way you’ve injured yourself?

If you could have any historical figure cook you a meal, who would it be?

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever worn to a costume party?

If you could have any fictional character as your sibling, who would it be?

What’s the funniest thing you’ve overheard in a conversation?

If you were a character in a sitcom, what catchphrase would you be known for?

What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever fallen asleep?

If you could have any magical power, but only for one day, what would it be?

What’s your most unusual talent that people find hard to believe?

If you were a character in a video game, what would be your signature weapon?

What’s the silliest thing you’ve done to impress someone?

If you could have any fictional creature as a pet, but it had to be tiny, what would it be?

What’s the oddest thing you’ve ever seen in someone else’s shopping cart?

If you could have any comedian roast you, who would it be?