one line famous jhin quotes 2023

In carnage, I bloom, like a flower in the dawn

Perfection isn’t good enough

One Line Famous Jhin Quotes 2023
One Line Famous Jhin Quotes 2023

My genius will be understood eventually

Art is worth the pain

The show never ends!

I am the singer without a voice The dancer without legs

You wanted to kill me back then, didn’t you? You will learn—art cannot be killed

Each bullet is a piece of my soul Each shot is a piece of me

It is by my will alone I set my mind in motion

I get nervous before every performance, but I need that feeling

The Noxian invasion should be a wakeup call We need more elaborate productions

mask Famous Jhin Quotes 2023
mask Famous Jhin Quotes 2023

Behind every mask, is another mask

Oh, before you ask, yes, your whole ensemble makes you look fat Very fat

I can’t live without the euphoria of performance

Art requires a certain cruelty

My work asks questions, it never has answers

I cannot be good I must be perfection

When you speak, I don’t hear God, I hear an idiot babbling

They’re gonna live, until they die

Happiness is a warm gun

best famous jhin quotes 2023

It’s so difficult to work under these conditions

The world is cruel It does not have to be ugly

mad Best Famous Jhin Quotes 2023
mad Best Famous Jhin Quotes 2023

They call me mad All artists are mad

I must wait until a composition is perfect

Smiles, everyone, smiles!

This passion compels me

‘League Of Legends’

I have elaborate plans for you

I have risen from the filth and muck I am the lotus blossom I am beauty

In this category, you will find the finest quotes said by Jhin in the early part of the game

An icon doesn’t have to explain himself

It’s fun to kill a man, to take all that he had, and could ever have

I will bring them an opera of death

My dear countryman, you remind me how little our culture has advanced

A costume, some makeup, a spray of blood

I want to feel everything The gun makes it so I do

There is such a thing as ‘too much gold’, my dear

How inelegant your words are Surely a fool wrote your script

You were wrong to kill your master I needed him for this performance

I provide catharsis for my clients, and my victims

No poet’s words could match my craft

I suppose I must make do with this tawdry setting

Your war was an impressive production, but it lacked soul

Here are the finest quotes said by Jhin during the middle part of the game

I’ve outdone myself this time

blood Best Famous Jhin Quotes 2023
blood Best Famous Jhin Quotes 2023

This would be easier if blood came in more colors

Wait for your cue! You’re only here to herald my entrance

They’re puppets I pull their strings, and then they dance

Your story is revenge with guns and ghosts How droll

This stage is beneath my talent, but I shall elevate it

I do prefer my work to have a brisk tempo

best famous jhin quotes 2023

Heh hehe that hat is ridiculous, now who let you wear that horrible thing?

I offer an exclusive service You’ll find I murder the competition

You only understand harmony Discord is required for contrast

It is only when the gun fires that I am alive

Your work will be forgotten I am ahead of my time!

delightful Best Famous Jhin Quotes 2023
delightful Best Famous Jhin Quotes 2023

That delightful moment before the curtain goes up

I never hurt anyone It is the performance that kills

I have been planning your final performance for a very long time

Death is certain, but killing doesn’t have to be ugly

Here are the best quotes by Jhin which are said in the last part of the game You will also find dark cosmic Jhin quotes

I swear each performance is the last, but I lie every time

Your life had no value before me

With my technique, killing blooms into artwork!

Step out of my light! They call it background music!

It’s better to be above ground doing this than below ground doing nothing

The always—enchanting tale of star—crossed lovers

You are mediocrity My genius will supplant you

If I keep getting interrupted, how can I be expected to work?

The essence of a thing is found only in its absence

Your father’s death denied me a performance You will be his standin

There is no drama in a peaceful death!

killer jhin quotes 2023

The trigger on a loaded weapon it whispers for us to act

You belong in the shadows No audience could love you

Killer Jhin Quotes 2023
Killer Jhin Quotes 2023

Bliss comes only in the moment before I fire

Every game has numerous characters and here are some of the coolest quotes by the other characters of the game

Take a good look, it’s the last you’re going to get

Ashe The Frost Archer, ‘League Of Legends’

Everyone needs to run with a wolf pack every now and then

Ivern, ‘League Of Legends’

Kayle: Today, it seems we must put our animosity aside

Morgana: We’ve never been enemies, sisters

Kayle: How beautiful your mind must be to think such things

Morgana: how tragic must be yours, to believe them

Xayah:That was a Vastayan farewell

Rakan:Isn’t a Vastayan farewell when you say, ‘ouulavaash’?

Xayah:I was trying to have a moment, Rakan

They say you learn a lot from a beating If that’s true, I’ve made the whole world smarter

Sett The Boss,

Here’s the thing about time: If you can’t make the most out of any given moment, you don’t deserve a single extra second

Ekko, The Boy Who Shattered, ‘League Of Legends’

Morgana: Remember strolling together in the woods, when we were girls?

Kayle: Hmph You never had any fear

Morgana: Funny, I remember it differently

Rakan: How long do we fight?

Xayah: Until we are free Until magic is free

Rakan: Is that after lunch?

I’d rather make mistakes than make nothing at all

Ekko, The Boy Who Shattered Time, ‘League Of Legends’

Xayah: I need you to be more careful

Rakan: If anybody’s gonna’ die first, it’s gonna’ be me I can’t see you die Also, black is a terrible color on me

Humans cast a spell every night Every time they fall asleep

Lillia The Bashful Bloom,

Morgana: Feel something, anything!

Kayle: Why do you think I wear armor, sister?

watching Jhin Quotes 2023
watching Jhin Quotes 2023

Everyone’s watching through your eyes

There’s only two options

Win or die, win or die

Win or die, die, die, die, die

It went from a spark to an open flame

Now destiny’s calling out your name

So reply, so reply

And ignite!

Pentakill, ‘League Of Legends’

I have seen liars choose virtue and I have seen the divine cheat Perhaps today I will see a Yordle sneeze


In a world without love, death means nothing

Viego, The Ruined King,