one line latest this or that questions naughty couple 2025

Night out or night in?

Test the waters or dive in the deep end?

Laundry or Dishes?

One Line Latest This Or That Questions Naughty Couple 2025

Have 10 children or no children?

Live in a big city or a small town?

Cheat or be cheated on?

Be 4 years old your entire life or be 90 years old your entire life?

Lose all of your friends but win the lottery or keep your friends but don’t get a raise for the rest of your life?

Give up your favorite food or give up sex?

Have no taste or be colorblind?

Yoga pants or jeans?

Die before your spouse or after?

Be bored or busy?

Live without movies or live without music?

Top Latest This Or That Questions Naughty Couple 2025

Sort by price or by rating?

Sauce on the side or sauce on top?

Bad haircut or bad dye job?

Pineapple pizza or candy corn?

Talking pets or talking babies?

Winning the lottery or finding your soulmate?

Misquoted movies or mistaken lyrics?

Crunchy peanut butter or smooth peanut butter?

Read a book or watch a movie?

Have your salary come in on the first day of the month or the last day of the month?

Be a vegetarian or only be able to eat meat?

Glass half full or glass half empty?

Ketchup or ranch?

Bathroom Latest This Or That Questions Naughty Couple 2025

Phone in bathroom or no phone in bathroom?

Zombies or vampires?

Funny story or one-liner?

Bad breath or body odor?

Working hard or hardly working?

Sneezing or coughing?

Air guitar or air drums?

Robots or dinosaurs?

Guacamole or salsa?

Boxers or briefs?

Fainting or spit take?

Speeding ticket or parking ticket?

Comedian in serious film or serious actor in comedy film?

Silly hats or silly socks?

Instagram latest this or that questions naughty couple 2025

Instagram famous or infomercial famous?

A store where every item is free or a restaurant where every dish is calorie free?

Passwords or secret handshakes?

Loud neighbors or nosey neighbors?

Babies dressed as animals or animals dressed as humans?

Vacation or staycation?

Netflix or Hulu?

Night or morning?

Rich and famous or rich and unknown?

Passenger or driver?

Art museum or history museum?

Car or bike?

Train or airplane?

Owe money or owe a favor?

Coffee or tea?

Be embarrassed or be afraid?

City or countryside?

Smartphone or tablet?

Wine or Beer?

Camping or glamping?

Cooking or being cooked for?

Play or standup show?

Roommates or live alone?

Receive a love note on your car windshield at work or a sexy text message?

Receive a single rose on your pillow or an expensive piece of chocolate?

Love Note Latest This Or That Questions Naughty Couple 2025

Receive a love note in your lunch bag or sweet candy treat?

Receive a gift card from your favorite store or a wrapped gift, contents unknown?

Receive wink during a business meeting or play footsie at dinner?

Be best friends/lovers or just lovers?

Spend a holiday alone together or with family?

Have separate hobbies or one together?

Go to your high school reunion alone or together?

Sing your favorite song together or listen to a recording?

Tell your lover a white lie to spare feelings or blurt out the truth?

Forgive your lover or harbor a grudge?

Try something new with your lover or stay with the tried and true?

Spend the evening at home cuddling on the couch or painting the town red?

Take a spontaneous trip together or plan every detail?

Attend a party or host a party?

Lose sleep or skip a meal?

Hang out with little kids or old folks?

Sweating or shivering?

Receive a box of candy or roses for Valentine's Day?

Receive a piece of jewelry or a room makeover for an anniversary?

Receive a greeting card or a balloon for a birthday wish?

Receive a surprise romantic dinner or a surprise shopping spree?

Receive a kiss on the cheek or a hug?

Write your own wedding vows or copy from a website?

Serenade your lover or hire musicians?

Surprise your lover with rose petals strewn from the door to the bedroom or greet them at the door with Champagne?

Find your lover waiting in a bubble bath or all packed for a surprise weekend getaway?

Come home to dinner on the table or ushered out to your favorite restaurant?

Spend the day together being pampered at a spa or enjoying a workout at the gym?

Spend the evening together playing a video game or cuddled together reading a book?

Go to a jazz club or a rock concert?

Dance to slow music or go wild with retro disco music?

Read poetry together or go sailing on the lake?

Be rich or famous?

Ambition or comfort?

Sneakers or dress shoes?

Fiction or nonfiction?

Cash or credit?

Espresso or drip coffee?

Hot coffee or iced coffee?

Patterned or plain?

Reality shows or documentaries?

Red wine or white wine?

morning latest this or that questions naughty couple 2025

Salad or sandwich?

Call first thing in the morning or call in the middle of the night?

Board games or video games?

Photos or videos?

Social media message or text message?

Take a friend on your family vacation or join a friend on their family vacation?

Group hangout or one-on-one hangout?

French fries or onion rings?

Share food or don’t share food?

Give a ride or hitch a ride?

Paypal or Venmo?

Instagram or Twitter?

Shopping online or shopping in-store?

Tattoos or piercings?

Store-bought or homemade?

Plans or surprises?

Pizza or Chinese food?

Books or movies?

Roller coasters or water slides?

Souvenirs or postcards?

Letter or emails?

Android or iPhone?

Brand name or generic?

Bargain or top-shelf?

Loud or quiet?

Protagonist or sidekick?

Girl friends or guy friends?

Animals or people?

Weekends or holidays?

Day or night?

Watch sports or play sports?

Driving fast or driving slow?

Dogs or cats?

Big family or small family?

Split the bill or take turns paying?

Family or friends?

Expensive gift or homemade gift?

Bedroom Latest This Or That Questions Naughty Couple 2025

Sleeping with the bedroom door closed or open?

Vegetarian or meat-eating?

Couch potato or fitness fiend?

Eggs or pancakes?

Toilet paper over or under?

Talking or listening?

Walk slow or walk fast?

Looks or personality?

Clean as you cook or clean up at the end?

Big wedding or small wedding?

Messy or tidy?

Planning or winging it?

Arrive early or arrive late?

Food truck or restaurant?

Fast food or health food?

Dine in or order delivery?

Coffee date or cocktail date?

Concert or sports game?

Funny movie or dramatic movie?

Calling or texting?