one line latest Would you rather questions for teen 2025
Would you rather be the best athlete who ever lived or the best singer who ever lived?
Would you rather live 100 years in the future or 100 years in the past?
Would you rather have super strength or super hearing?
Would you rather make the best movie ever or the best album ever?
Would you rather only be an Instagram influencer or only be YouTube famous?
Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?
Be a superhero or be saved by a superhero?
Only take baths or only take showers?
Buy all your groceries at a gas station or at a dollar store?
Become an influencer or stay off social media?
Wear a sweatshirt on a hot summer day or a tank top on a cold winter day?
Break the camera or screen on your phone?
Meet your favorite athlete or favorite musician?
Watch a foreign film with subtitles or a silent film with subtitles?
Skip cleaning the bathroom or skip cleaning the kitchen for a month?
Have 10 siblings or no siblings?
Not be able to feel anything, or be super sensitive to all touch?
Have the hottest day of summer forever or the coldest day of winter forever?
Jump out of an airplane or off the top of a mountain with a parachute?
Would you rather be the richest person in the world and hate what you do, or have an average wage and love what you do?
Would you rather read minds or have read every book in the world?
Would you rather work at a summer camp or lifeguard at a pool?
Would you rather join choir or band?
high school latest Would you rather questions for teen 2025
Would you rather teach a class in high school or have your parents teach one of your classes?
Would you rather go to school four days a week for 10 hours or five days a week for eight hours?
Would you rather sing in front of the whole school or be in a spelling bee in front of the entire school?
Would you rather clean the bathrooms at your school or clean up after lunch in the cafeteria at your school?
Would you rather ride the bus to school or walk to school?
Would you rather have access to the teacher’s lounge or be able to drive a school bus?
Would you rather say the morning announcements or be the school sports commentator?
Would you rather be Prom King/Queen or valedictorian?
Would you rather handwrite all your homework or use the computer to do it, but you always get one letter grade lower than you usually would?
Would you rather get the highest score on the SAT at your school or be the best athlete at your school?
Would you rather break everything you touch or get shocked every time you touch something?
Would you rather be your family dog or a wild wolf?
Would you rather never lose a sports game or never lose an argument?
Would you rather be the school quarterback or have the lead role in the school musical?
Would you rather be good at synchronized swimming or chess?
Would you rather have a bad picture of you on the cover of the school yearbook or a good picture of you on the cover of the school newspaper?
Would you rather always be first in the school lunch line or always be first out of the school parking lot?
Would you rather be president of your student council or the most popular person in school?
Would you rather be captain of a sports team or President of the Drama Club?
Would you rather be able to play every instrument in the school orchestra or be able to play every position on the school basketball team?
Be really strong or really fast?
Be Deadpool or Ironman?
Get a flat tire or run out of gas?
Have a great job and live with your parents or live on your own and be broke and jobless?
Be a part of the royal family or the president of a country?
Combine breakfast and lunch or combine lunch and dinner?
Live in the same house for your whole life or live in a different house every day?
Turn into an older adult or turn back into a baby?
Only buy things online or only buy things in stores?
Live on a boat in the water or on an airplane in the sky?
Be covered head-to-toe in tattoos or in hair?
Go skydiving or bungee jumping?
Lose your only set of car keys or your phone?
Control minds or read minds?
Travel to another dimension or another galaxy?
Stop using paper or stop using plastic?
Send a text to the wrong person or accidentally post an embarrassing photo?
Marry a stranger or never get married at all?
Drive a racecar or ride in one?
Sound like a sheep or a chicken when you laugh?
Get sweaty or gassy when you're nervous?
Forget the words while singing in public or sing out of key?
Wear a shirt that's too tight every day or only be able to wear white head-to-toe?
Trip and fall or throw up in front of your crush?
Have your great-grandfather's name or his haircut?
Only be able to text in emojis or only with misspelled words?
Trade heads with the person on your left or the person on your right?
Accidentally walk into a glass wall or a brick wall?
Find a hair in your food or somebody's fake nail?
Have a screaming sound or a crying sound for your ringtone?
Have your dream eyebrows or dream eyelashes?
Believe you have a spider sense or are a wizard?
Be on an island with someone who annoys you, or all by yourself?
Wash your hair with bar soap or wash your body with shampoo?
Eat a spider or a bee?
Be terrified of pillows or terrified of blankets?
Slap a seal or get slapped by a seal?
Eat a good banana with the peel on or eat a peeled but bruised and mushy banana?
Clean the toilet with your hand or with your foot?
Shave your head or have hair down to the floor?
Get flushed down the toilet or thrown in the trash?
ake your own bed every day or make your own dinner every day?
Drink only soda or drink only juice?
animated latest Would you rather questions for teen 2025
Only watch animated movies forever or never watch an animated film again?
Be stuck as a tween forever or skip the tween years of your life?
Only be allowed to watch Disney+ or only be able to watch the news?
Have grey hair or pink hair?
Listen to only your favorite musician for the rest of your life, or never listen to them again?
Be famous at your school or be famous in another country?
Eat cookies for breakfast or for dinner?
Stay home from school whenever you want, or never have to clean your room?
Watch a movie with no sound or listen to a movie with no picture?
Eat nothing but candy or nothing but cake?
Go to school all year long or go to school for two hours longer each day?
Teach an adult how to be a kid or be taught how to be an adult?
Give up pizza or ice cream for the rest of your life?
Take pictures of animals or let animals take pictures of you?
Drink melted ice cream or a melted popsicle?
Be the principal of your school or have the principal become a student?
Get no presents for Christmas or no candy for Halloween?
Only do chores you hate, but do them less often, or do the chores you enjoy, but do them more often?
Swim with sharks or swim with piranhas?
Be a ghost or a zombie?
Downhill ski going super fast or super slow?
Have a photographic memory or be able to hear colors?
Have plumbing or electricity never been invented?
Perform brain surgery or heart surgery?
Walk barefoot over burning hot coals or the coldest ice?
Get a terrible pedicure or give a great pedicure?
Would you rather go on a double date with your parents or with your significant other’s parents?
Would you rather be turned down for a dance by someone you do like or asked to a dance by someone you don’t like?
Would you rather forget the name of a person you’re on a date with or call them your ex’s name by accident?
Would you rather get the stomach bug on a first date or run into your parents on a first date?
Would you rather always smell bad around the person you like or always say something embarrassing around the person you like?
Would you rather date someone who’s gorgeous but unfunny or someone who’s okay-looking but hilarious?
Would you rather go on a great date with someone you disagree about everything with, or go on an okay date with someone you agree with about everything?
Would you rather realize halfway through a date that there’s something in your teeth or something in your nose?
Would you rather date someone really quiet or someone really loud?
Would you rather date someone three feet taller than you or three feet shorter than you?
Would you rather have ten kids or no kids at all?
Would you rather ride a bike to work or a horse to work?
Would you rather go to your dream college and have a lot of debt or an okay college and have no debt?
Would you rather die peacefully at 60 or painfully at 100?
Spend all day on the toilet or spend all day in the shower?
Smell like an onion or smell like garlic?
Live with your mom forever or live with thirty cats?
Accidentally send your boss or your grandma an offensive GIF?
Put regular pants on two legs at a time or put one-legged pants on one leg at a time?
Take a shower outside every day or never take a shower?
Be able to do the worm or the robot amazingly?
Be very ticklish or very sensitive to noise?
Have no eyebrows or no fingernails?
Have really loud gas or really stinky gas?
Crawl or run everywhere?
zipper latest Would you rather questions for teen 2025
Walk around with your pants zipper down or two middle shirt buttons undone?
Get a tattoo of your mom's name or your own name?
Always be sweaty or always be cold?
Kiss someone you like when you have bad breath, or never kiss them?
Store all your food in your cheeks or in a hump on your back?
Become a centaur or a mermaid?
Lose a finger or a toe?
Would you rather own a coffee shop or own a bakery?
Would you rather be a surgeon or be a college professor?
Would you rather take every vacation to Disney World or New York City?
Would you rather always have the newest technology or the best food in the world?
Would you rather have a mansion or a private jet?
Would you rather work for your parents or teach at your high school?