one line latest wife flirty questions (naughty & sexy ) 2025
What was the first thing that came to your mind when you saw me? Why?
When did you first fall in love? How did it feel?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
What can a guy do to always make you feel loved and wanted by him? This is one of the best flirty questions to ask a girl,which also helps you understand her better.
Are you always this interested, or is this level of interest just with cute guys like me?
What was the most mind blowing date you’ve ever had? What was so special about that date?
What would you change about yourself?
What’s something you will never give up or change for me?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever been through?
What would you do if you got a chance to repeat life all over again?
What’s one thing you would say to your younger self?
What's something no one knows about you?
Which parent are you closest to?
Do you see yourself having kids one day?
What’s your biggest regret?
What makes you feel safe?
When did you know you loved me?
What is one moment in your life you would love to relive?
Do you see yourself getting married one day?
Have you been to therapy?
What is something people usually misunderstand about you?
When you are upset, do you want support or alone time?
What is your happiest childhood memory?
Do you have any phobias?
What’s one thing you would change about your childhood?
If you could reconnect with one person from your past, who would it be?
What is your love language?
What is your biggest turn-on?
Major turn-offs?
move latest wife flirty questions (naughty & sexy ) 2025
Do you like to make the first move?
Do you think you’re a good kisser?
Who was your first crush?
Thoughts on cuddling?
How did your last relationship end?
Where do you like to be kissed the most?
If we could spend one day together, where would you want to go? You can choose any place in the entire world.
What turns you on the most in a guy?
Do you like romantic gestures? If yes, then what kind of gestures do you like the most?
If you don’t like romantic gestures, what would you want your guy to do for you instead?
How would you react if I kissed you, right here and right now?
What’s your idea of an ideal man?
Who is your favorite actor, and why?
What’s your biggest regret from your last relationship?
Have you ever been in love?
What was your first impression of me?
Are you the big spoon or little spoon?
Do you like sharing a bed with someone?
How soon into a relationship would you want to meet my family?
Do you like to be complimented?
What type of personality are you attracted to?
When was your first kiss?
What are your thoughts on open relationships/non-monogamy?
What’s the most random/unexpected thing you’re attracted to?
What attracts you to me?
Favorite place to be kissed?
position latest wife flirty questions (naughty & sexy ) 2025
What's your favorite position?
What's your least favorite position?
F*ck, Marry, Kill: missionary, doggy, and cowgirl?
What's the hottest memory you have of us?
What part of you is craving the most attention right now?
Do you prefer giving head or receiving head?
Morning s*x or night s*x?
Lights on or lights off?
Hard and fast, or slow and sensual?
How often do you masturbate?
What’s one s*x act/position you think is overrated?
Weirdest place you’ve had s*x?
Shower s*x: Yay or nay?
Do you like using toys? Would you want to try toys in the bedroom?
How do you feel about sexting?
How would you feel about watching p*rn together?
Do you have any kinks?
What’s one thing you've always wanted to try in bed?
Do you like to be the dominant or submissive partner in a romantic relationship?
Do you like it if guys make the first move, or if you are the one to initiate a conversation?
What’s your favorite place to get a butterfly kiss?
What’s your opinion of love at first sight?
Is it just me, or have you been working out? You definitely look slimmer than the last time I saw you.
What was your first kiss like?