one line Latest spicy girl Truth Or Dare Questions 2025

Describe the most embarrassing moment of your life.

Have you ever stuck chewing gum under a desk?

Which one do you think is better – tests or essays?

Have you ever eaten a meal by yourself? Where and why?

If you had to go to one class for the rest of your life, what class would you choose it to be?

If you wanted to make out with your guy/girl on campus, where would you do it?

One Line Latest Spicy Girl Truth Or Dare Questions 2025

Name 10 body parts that your boyfriend likes to kiss.

Name 10 items you bought but regretted buying and never used.

If you were a boy/girl (of the opposite sex), would you make out with yourself?

Have you ever gotten into a fistfight on school grounds?

Have you ever fallen asleep while a class was on?

Have you ever been suspended or gotten detention? Why?

If you had the chance, would you sneak a peek in the other gender locker room?

Who is the hottest teacher in school/college?

Have you ever sexted someone you shouldn’t?

What was the stupidest thing you have done in front of a crowd?

What is the first thing you would do if you got invisible?

Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same sex? If yes, what happened? How did you react?

Which of the people in this room have the most sensual and daring sense of style?

If you were marooned on a deserted island with one person, who would you like it to be?

What is the stupidest thing you have said to your partner while being intimate?

Have you ever picked your nose absent-mindedly and then eaten it?

Have you ever been publicly humiliated? Explain what happened.

What was the strangest dream you had?

Which celebrity would you like to swap lives with for a month?

Which feature do you get complimented on the most? Do you like it?

Name one thing that you would never do even if you were offered all the money in the world.

Among all the people in the room, which boy would you agree to date?

room Latest spicy girl Truth Or Dare Questions 2025

Among all the people in the room, which boy would you never date?

What is that one characteristic or quality that you would like to change about you?

Have you ever fallen out of love? Did you break up after that?

What is the craziest thing that has happened to you in a public place?

Describe the most annoying experience you had at a mall.

What is the meanest thing you have said to someone?

Cheating Latest Spicy Girl Truth Or Dare Questions 2025

Have you ever considered cheating on your boyfriend?

Have you ever lied to your boyfriend, saying that you feel sick, to avoid an intimate moment?

What is a rumor or gossip you repeated about someone but found out was incorrect?

What was the most disgusting practical joke you ever played on someone?

What do you think that your boyfriend’s thoughts are about marriage and kids?

Describe your wildest fantasy.

Have you ever peed in a pool? If yes, was it a private or a public pool?

Who in this room has the hottest body?

What is your deepest, darkest fear?

Describe your first kiss.

Who is the sexiest person in this room?

What is your biggest regret in life?

Who has the nicest butt in this room?

Name the last person you licked.

Have you ever been cheated on or cheated someone?

Have you ever made out with someone in this room?

What are the things you are self-conscious about?

When was the last time you peed in your bed? What age?

What is the biggest lie you have ever told? Who did you tell it to?

Name a person you regret kissing.

Tell us about an embarrassing vomit story.

What is the naughtiest thing you have done in public? With whom?

What is that one thing most people think is true about you, but isn’t?

What is the naughtiest thing you have gotten away with?

Childish Latest Spicy Girl Truth Or Dare Questions 2025

What is a childish thing you still do?

Have you ever let someone else take the blame for something you have done?

What is that something that people think you would never do, but you actually have?

Did you ever have an encounter with a police officer?

What is a silly thing you are emotionally attached to?

Name the strangest place you have peed.

Have you ever crapped in your pants after growing up?

What was the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?

Why did you break up with your last partner?

What is the grossest thing that your partner does?

Name a terrible thing you have done that you lied to cover up.

Did you love someone who didn’t love you back?

What is something that you have never told anyone?

Have you ever played board games with your parents?

Have you ever farted in an elevator?

elevator Latest spicy girl Truth Or Dare Questions 2025

You have a crush on [ABC]. True or false?

Of all the people in this world, who do you want to trade your life with?

What are the things you think about while sitting on the toilet?

Did you have an ‘imaginary’ buddy while growing up?

Did you ever cover your eyes during a gory part in a movie?

Have you ever practiced kissing while looking in a mirror?

Did your parents ever try to give you “the talk”?

Name your most annoying worst habit.

Have you ever experienced a wardrobe malfunction?

Have you ever absent-mindedly walked into a wall?

Do you ever pick your nose?

Shower Latest Spicy Girl Truth Or Dare Questions 2025

Do you sing or dance in the shower?

Have you ever peed yourself while laughing?

Have you ever farted loudly in public?

Do you ever talk to yourself?

You are in a public restroom and just peed. Then, you notice your stall has no water/ toilet paper. What would you do?

What is that one thing in your web history that you would be embarrassed about if someone saw it?

Have you ever tried to take a hot and sexy picture of yourself, but failed?

Do you sleep with a stuffed toy?

Do you ever drool in your sleep?

Has anyone ever walked in on you when you were peeing or pooping in the toilet?

Would you rather go for a day without wearing a bra or a month without washing your hair?

Do you talk while sleeping?

Do you think [ABC] is cute?

Who do you like the least in this group, and why? (Drama!!)

What would your dream partner look like?

What is your preferred song for the shower?

Who is the hottest person in this room?

shower Latest spicy girl Truth Or Dare Questions 2025

How much would you rate your looks on a scale of 1 to 5?

Would you rather have sex with [ABC] in secret, or not have sex with ABC but let everyone think you did?

Name one thing you don’t like about ABC.

Have you ever ditched someone?

The world ends next Wednesday, and you can do whatever you want – even illegal stuff). What would you do?

Would you wear your clothes inside out for an entire day if someone paid you a hundred dollars?

What is one childish thing that you do?

How far are you willing to go for the girl of your dreams?

Have you ever embarrassed yourself in front of a crush?

Have you ever been a library member?

Name one person you pretend to like, but in reality, don’t?

What children’s movie can you watch over and over again?

Do you have foot odor?

Do you have any funny nicknames?

How many pancakes can you eat in a single sitting?

Have you ever hit something with your car accidentally?

If you get to make out with a Disney character, who would you choose?

Watched Latest Spicy Girl Truth Or Dare Questions 2025

Have you ever watched a video you knew you shouldn’t?

What app do you spend the most time on?

Have you ever pretended to be ill to get out of a get-together? If so, when was it?

What is the largest amount of food you have eaten in a single sitting?

Do you do silly things when you are by yourself?

Do you own a pair of blue pajamas?

Are you afraid of the dark?

Do you take bubble baths?

If you were left at home by yourself all day, what would you do?

How many selfies do you take in a day?

What is something stupid you have done to try to be ‘cooler’?

What color bra are you wearing right now?

What was the last text you sent your mom?

If you had to rescue people from a burning building, and ABSOLUTELY had to leave one person behind from this group, who would it be?

Do you think you will marry your current boyfriend/ girlfriend?

How often do you wash your underwear?

Have you ever tasted your ear wax?

Have you ever farted in silence and then blamed someone else?

Have you ever tasted sweat?

Name the most illegal thing you have ever done.

Mom or Dad – who is your favorite?

Would you sell your sibling for a million dollars?

Would you sell your dog for a million dollars?

Name your biggest pet peeve.

If you were allowed to marry more than a single person, would you? Who are the ones you would choose to marry?

Would you rather lose your sex organs or gain a hundred kilos?

Would you choose to save a person’s life without anyone knowing about it or not actually save him but have everyone praise you for it?

If you could only listen to one single song for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

Who in this group would be the worst one to date? Why?

Would you rather live with no AC and heating or no internet?

If someone offered you $1 crore to break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, would you do it?

Truth And Dare Questions For Boyfriend

If you were reborn, what decade would you want to be born in?

If you could go back in time in erase one thing you said or did, what would it be?

Has your girlfriend (me) ever embarrassed you in public?

Have you ever considered cheating on your partner?

Have you ever checked someone out even while committed?

What is the longest time you have stayed in the bathroom?

Show us the most unflattering childhood picture of you.

Have you ever cried because you were missing your parents?

Describe the weirdest dream you have ever had. Did you like it?

Have you ever posted something on Facebook that you regret?

What is your biggest fear?

Have you ever peed in the shower?